Ok, now that I'm finished drooling (for now), lets press on. My dad has been talking about this beer for probably a month or two now, (he had it at some B&B in Zionsville, IN) and we finally were able to sit down and polish off a bottle of this stuff. It comes in either a 750mL bottle or an 11.2 oz bottle as you see above. We were lucky enough to have the 750mL bottle, but unfortunately we didn't have the glasses to match, yet... It is classified as a Belgian Strong Pale Ale and it clocks in at 8.5% alcohol. If I had not checked out the bottle beforehand, I could have been in some big trouble with that alcohol content! If you pour it correctly (i.e. very very slowly! directions are on the bottle...) it has a beautiful light pale color, and a head that clings and almost clumps to the side of the glass. I think the lacing on this thing would stay on a glass for weeks, maybe months. Sure it looks great, but looks can be deceiving right? Well, fortunately this only gets better. I think I caught a hint of clove, very nice apple aromas, slight alcohol smell, very slight yeast scent. The flavor of this thing is just incredible, absolutely heavenly. I made the comment that if Jesus made beer, this had to be it. It also has great carbonation which made me ponder why Duvel isn't the champagne of beers? Sorry Miller High Life... It has such a refreshing taste that started with a little bit of hops, little bit of fruit, some spiciness, mild alcohol flavor. It is remarkable the a beer with this high of alcohol content can be so refreshing and make you forget you are drinking a Belgian Strong Ale. I would highly recommend this for any special occasion, as you cannot go wrong and you will have anyone who has a remote appreciation for quality beer ranting and raving that they can't believe they hadn't tried it before. Something this good has got to cost upwards of a nice bottle of wine right? Well guess what? It costs the same as a cheaper bottle of wine. I've seen it anywhere from $8.50 to $12 for a 750mL bottle. Go pick yourself up some, but just be prepared to be disappointed with every other beer you try for the rest of your life. Bravo Duvel. I can't even put a rating on you as you truly are the King of Beers, Beer of the gods, the Michael Jordan of brewski's, the Tiger Woods of... well you get the point...I award thee the Golden Pint Glass...cue the music...
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