Hope, Change, Yes We Can...
We are now 100 days into President Obama's term. It is a relatively short amount of time, and unfortunately for Americans we have seen the foundations of America ripped down, stepped on and shoved out the door. We have seen taxes rise, the American people (government) become majority shareholders in GM, the government has taken over the financial industry (the Bank of America is the BANK OF AMERICA!!) and democrats have reached the promised land with 60 votes in the Senate (thanks Arlen, thought we were going to get rid of you finally next year). We've seen our president bow to the Saudi King, yuk it up with Hugo Chavez, bash America on his European trip, accept an anti-American book from Hugo Chavez, and sit through a diatribe from Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega. We have seen the United States shed 3.3 million jobs over the last 5 months, our unemployment rate is nearly 9%. The housing market has continued to be on a downward spiral, yet nobody is going after Chris Dodd and Barney Frank for requiring banks to loan to people who didn't have enough income to pay the mortgage because, 'it wouldn't be fair' if we didn't. We've seen a bloated 3.5 trillion dollar budget because Obama is trying to push his insanely liberal agenda through. We saw Robert Gibbs and Rahm (the serpent) Emanuel go after Rush Limbaugh for speaking out against the administration. When has it ever been policy for an administration to go after a radio personality? We've seen that President Obama isn't even able to formulate a thought without the help from his teleprompter and when its not working correctly, he's toast! Sarah Palin is STILL under attack from the left. We've seen Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts and Vermont legalize gay marriage. Obama was at a town hall today talking about health care reform....where is the money going to come from? I read a post by a Canadian online complaining that they had to wait 3 months to for a simple surgery people in the United States could have had in a week. Imagine what national health care would do to your paycheck and to our national debt...The liberal philosophy seems to be we need to spend our way out of this.
The list above is not by any means all inclusive, it was merely what came to my mind in regards to the president's first 100 days. One of the most frustrating things as a conservative, is the lack of conservative leadership in Congress. We have unbelievably brilliant minds with conservative philosophies on our side, yet it seems like we have trouble connecting with people. These are people who are genuinely conservative in their own life and beliefs, but the Republican Party doesn't have a cohesive message to give them. The biggest message that was sent was with the Tea Parties on April 15th, which the mainstream media either made fun of or didn't cover (or made sex jokes...). I don't have the answers for the road map to get this country back on track, but it has to start with people who are fed up of the same old song in Washington (us!). Obama's mantra of 'change' is hardly that. He is appeasing what the far left has been wanting to do for years, and that my friends (John McCain) is not change. Its irresponsible for people to blindly follow what Mr. Obama preaches. Do your research, keep tabs on the government, they work for you! They are spending your money, your kid's money, your grandchildren's money. Over the next 100 days of Obama's administration we need to have a different mindset. Instead of always attacking, we need to offer up alternative solutions and what the outcomes of those solutions will be. America has been dumbed down by having everything force fed to us through different medias. Start thinking for yourself over the next 100 days. Look at the big picture instead of tiny individual pieces and you'll be able to formulate arguments for your point that will push people on the fence towards you. Obama puts a beautiful coat on everything he says so you don't know how disturbing what he is saying really is. Lets get our country back to the greatness it has always been! God Bless America...